Massage Services



30 min / 1 hour / 1.5 hour / 2 hours


A customized massage plan to treat low back pain, rotator cuff problems, plantar fasciitis, and more. Varying techniques can be applied along with relaxation techniques to address areas of concern or to de-stress and bring calm into your being.

Compared to injury treatment work, custom bodywork can be more on the relaxation side. If you just want to relax and de-stress, that can be done. Manual lymphatic drainage and hospice massage can also be part of custom bodywork.

Basically, the goal of custom bodywork is to help bring you into wellness - less pain, more motility, more relief and peace.


Injury Treatment

1 hour / 1.5 hour / 2 hours


Designed to address injuries and conditions such as sprains/strains, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), thoracic outlet syndrome, scar tissue alignment, chronic headaches, post-op surgical recovery, or other chronic issues.

With a specific goal towards your recovery, different techniques such as trigger point therapy, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, active and passive stretching are utilized.



1 hour


Specific bodywork for pregnant clients to help reduce sore or swollen joints, hip and low back pain, and bring in relaxation and relief during the course of pregnancy.

Bodywork will be customized based on the stage of pregnancy the client is in, along with health history review.


Chair Massage

30 min


Chair massage can be a good starting point if you have not had massage before, or have only a little time of time in your schedule. Typically, 30 minutes is good for chair massage, and you are lightly clothed while receiving this.

This service can be also be requested to be done at your office, in a commercial/office capacity. If you are interested to have chair massage done at your workplace, please contact me to discuss opportunities.



Decompression Therapy - Cupping


Cupping can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and calm the nervous system. It is used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, and release toxins.

The use of cupping can create skin reactions or marks on the skin (can be mistaken as bruises), indicating how stagnant the blood is. Severe stagnation can indicate that there is more pain in that area of the body, to be further treated.

Tools are made out of silicone or glass. Sliding cupping therapy is included as part of Levels 4 and 5 massages. Stationary cupping can be added on to the session as part of the bodywork given.


Scraping Therapy - Gua Sha


Gua sha is a natural, alternative therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve circulation and break down adhesions. This ancient Chinese healing technique has been noted to provide anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects, addressing issues like chronic pain. Gua sha tools are often made out of buffalo horn, and are sanitized and cleaned between each session.

Is complimentary service as part of Levels 4 and 5 massages.


Percussive Therapy


Percussive therapy increases blood flow and decreases tension deep within the muscle, using a scientifically-calibrated combination of speed and depth to override the pain signals sent to the brain. It can be used to supplement manual bodywork to improve treatment work.

I use the Hyperice Hypervolt massage gun. It is one of the tools used during the massage to help release deep-seated muscle tension. There are many kinds on the market, and any of them properly used can be of use as self-care.



Reiki is an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety. As both Reiki Master and licensed massage therapist, I use my hands to be a conduit to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing.

This can be integrated to help you be energetically balanced and complements massage.

Chest Bodywork


Chest and breast bodywork is specialized work that I am certified in. Before the first session, we will fully discuss verbal and written consent process and paperwork. This is a therapeutic service, and done over clothing or through secured draping. Opting out can be done at any time. Contact us for any questions or concerns about this service.

Your whole body deserves care. This add-on can be integrated to reduce tension in your entire pecs, deeper shoulder girdle muscles, ribs, diaphragm, and abdomen. Can make breathing easier and open your chest more. For those struggling with breast health (i.e. cancer, fibrotic breasts, difficulty breast feeding, or post-op surgeries), this can help towards better breast health.

Questions about any services or other techniques?
Get in touch.